I5 4670K OC 4.0 / Temp / BF4


Nov 20, 2013
Hello everyone,

Ive built a new pc for myself with the specs:

mobo: msi z87-GD65

Cpu: Intel i5 4670K

Gpu: Asus GTX 780 DirectCU II

Cpu cooler: Corsair H100i

Case: NZXT Phantom 820

Ram: 2 x 4 GB Corsair vengeance pro

Now my question is ive OC'ed my cpu from 3.4 to 4.0 / 4.2 .. The temperatures on prime95 (tested for an hour) were around 93 - 100°C under full load. ( from Core temp)

On normal use the temps are between 30 - 50 °C, when i open bf4 my temps sky rocket to 86°C..

I'm i the only one or is this normal?? :)) just curious..

does also another i5 4670K users get this kinda temps on their OC?

ps: i get the same temps on 4 or 4.2



I had issues when mounting the H100i on my motherboard with the backplate not seating properly. I had to fiddle around with it until I got it nice and secure.

I would take off the pump and backplate and double check that all the stuff is in the right place and that it's oriented properly. When you take off...
That's certainly not a ridiculous temperature, but it's not great either. I'd think with a 240mm Radiator that you'd be seeing lower temperatures. How did you OC? I'd guess maybe you're pushing voltages a little far. Haswell and Ivy Bridge aren't known for particularly good heat transfer, but a 4.0 overclock is certainly nothing extreme.
That is not normal at all. There seems to be something wrong there.

I have an i5-4670k @ 4.5 GHz with a H100i as well, and It has never gone above 79 degrees celsius. At idle they sit at arounnd 30 degrees.

For starters, don't do any more stress testing. Those temperatures are quite dangerous for continued operation. I would suggest trying a different hardware monitoring program as Core Temp doesn't seem to have support for haswell CPUs (at least not the last time I checked). Try something else like Speedfan or HWmonitor and compare.

What voltage is your 4670k running at? I have mine set to 1.25V I think. Make sure the fans are going on your H100i and that the LED is lit up on the pump itself.

Make doubly sure that your cooler is mounted properly and don't do any gaming until temps are manageable.

If everything seems to be working you may have to RMA your H100i and get a new one.

You might have a really bad overclocker, I generally have a rule of thumb for Haswell 85c or lower on prime. but 100c is when your CPU starts thortlling, its safe, but its downclocking.

Especially with an H100i however, this shouldn't be happening.

I'd say try reapplying the thermal paste and re seating, check fan speed through corsair link, are the fans spinning? Is the pump working?

What voltages are you running at?

Oh and finally: What are you GPU temps? If they are high like this as well, it might be a case air flow issue, but the Phantom is pretty good in that aspect however.
thanks for your answer guys. the pump is on (led) and the fans are conitnously on max speed.. ive also changed stock h100i fans with Corsair SP120 fans..

My GPU temps are really low :/

i think id need to reapply thermal paste on the cpu.. However when i mount h100i its not really firmly seated.. it fells like loose? did the guys/girls who use h100i also experience that?

ps: ive not touched the voltage only changed the mhz

I had issues when mounting the H100i on my motherboard with the backplate not seating properly. I had to fiddle around with it until I got it nice and secure.

I would take off the pump and backplate and double check that all the stuff is in the right place and that it's oriented properly. When you take off the pump though, you're going to need to replace the thermal paste at the same time.
Thank you all for your support !! :)

Ive removed the thermal paste, put some arctic mx-2 on and removed also all the dust i could see in the case , fans etc..

run prime95 for about 52 mins on full load (OC 4.2) i get between 45 - 53 °C and on normal use 21°C.. much better now. thanks again.

have a great day everyone :)
