i5-4670K OC with GTX 1070 Ti for 1440p 144hz gaming?


Jan 24, 2014
Not really sure where to ask this so I decided to leave it in the GPU thread.

I have a i5-4670k not OC'd. I read that the only bottleneck for the i5 processors (or at least for the i5 Haswell) is that if you want to game on 1440p(or higher) 144hz with a 10 series card it won't perform as well as an i7. So I was wondering, since I don't want to buy an i7, will OCing to like somewhere in the 4.2 - 4.3 Ghz (or higher) range cause a problem? I haven't tested it out since I don't have a 1440p monitor and didn't want to invest just to not be able to enjoy the experience.

Edit: I do plan on OCing my 1070 Ti as well so I'm not sure if that changes anything.
Depends what games you're playing. Multi threaded games are bottlenecking i5's from all gens with 4c 4t at 1080p and 1440p over 60Hz with high end cards.

Farcry5, Doom, Ghost Recon, Devision, BF1 to list a few. List will continue to grow, an i7 with Hyperthreading WILL go along way in these games. i5's are in the upper 90s usage.


Apr 30, 2007
That's not correct.
The lesser the resolution, the more load on CPU (removing GPU bottleneck). When you approach 1440p that will be more strain on GPU rather than CPU. But again for 144fps gaming you do need a fast CPU.
If you want the most of the GPU it's no brainer to pair it with the fastest cpu possible. This also depends on the game itself.


Jan 24, 2014

I see. I was just wondering how much of a tank in performance it would be with an OC'd i5 Haswell. From what I was reading, it seemed like there would be stuttering or overheating that would occur. I'm sure the 1070 Ti, depending on the game ofc, would do fine with most games at 1440p, just wanting to know if it would be playable or if anyone with a similar setup has had any problems. I do plan on OCing my 1070 Ti as well so I'm not sure if that changes anything.


Depends what games you're playing. Multi threaded games are bottlenecking i5's from all gens with 4c 4t at 1080p and 1440p over 60Hz with high end cards.

Farcry5, Doom, Ghost Recon, Devision, BF1 to list a few. List will continue to grow, an i7 with Hyperthreading WILL go along way in these games. i5's are in the upper 90s usage.