i5 4690k 100 cpu usage?


May 30, 2015
Hello tech support since a month or two ago i have noticed a large CPU spike, whenever i boot up my computer it is at 100% with anti virus hogging it for a while then it dies down, but when ever i play any games it always boots back up to 100%, with the game being at around 95% even when it used to be at 60%.Even opening Chrome can put the CPU to 100 and cause freezing and stuttering I have tried reseating the CPU and reapplied the thermal paste, in games like GTA V the CPU temp is around 55c and i have tried putting games at high priority. any help would be appreciated
Also i have tried formatting both of my drives and reinstalling my OS what should i do?
And everything non essential on the process list has been stopped and it still happens.

CPU: Intel i5 4690k 3.50ghz Ram: 2 x 4gb Corsair 4gb 1333hz Main SSD: Samsung EVO 850 120gb Secondary HDD: 1tb WD blues Mobo: Gigabyte Z97P-D3 Gpu: GTX 1060 6GB


Is your CPU overclocked and do you have an after market cpu cooler?

I have not adjusted anything on Intel Extreme tuning utility but i go as high as 3.70GHz also i am using a custom cooler the Thermal Right True Spirit 120 https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00GIO7BSG/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

I have not adjusted anything on Intel Extreme tuning utility but i go as high as 3.70GHz also i am using a custom cooler the Thermal Right True Spirit 120 https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00GIO7BSG/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

I'd try to reseat your heat sink because your computer may have shaken around and broke contact or created and air bubble in the thermal paste which can surprisingly increase your temperatures a lot!

I have reseated it and reapplied thermal paste last week, the temperatures only peak at 55c on most games.

Have the temps always been this high since you've owned it? Some heatsinks come with a little plastic layer under the contact surface to keep it clean until your ready to put it on the CPU, it is possibly that the little plastic layer is still on it! There is also a problem with windows 10 that only limits one core usage follows these steps to check

Click boot
Click advanced options
See if the number of processors option is checked and if it is uncheck it and restart!


Ok i just checked and there was no plastic on the heatsink and the number of processors option was unchecked, could this potentially be a faulty CPU also i thought 55c was considered fine for a i5 4690k?

Any temp is fine as long as its under around 82c.

Here is a cool little guide made by another member of the forum


Ok thats fine but my cpu usage is still horrible 🙁

I did both and unfortunately it is still not better :/