i5 4690k or i7 4790k


Dec 6, 2014
I want to build a new pc for next gen games like ac unity, GTA V and Witcher 3. Can anyone tell me which CPU to choose ? I5 4690k or i7 4790k. My mobo is asus maximus vii ranger. I do watch blu ray movies in 24 in monitor and with gtx 960 card but don't do much video editing. Thanks
Always i5 for gaming, if it's between an i5 and i7 and you don't have extra money to burn, nor engage in video or image editing.

If you don't intend on overclocking, you can stick to a non-K edition CPU as well.


Always i5 for gaming, if it's between an i5 and i7 and you don't have extra money to burn, nor engage in video or image editing.

If you don't intend on overclocking, you can stick to a non-K edition CPU as well.


Forget about future proof.

It's such a nebulous and useless term, which means something different to everyone.

Just know that the CPU you choose now is not bad. It's good for middle of the road.

If it's only sometimes you do photoshop, an i5 is fine.


Get the best of both worlds: Xeon 1231!!!!!

lot cheaper than any i7, and only 10$ more than unlocked i5, IS THE SAME THING AS A LOCKED i7, just without integrated graphics.

overclocking is just for fun really, you wont see big enough performance gains, and unlocked i7 is not worth the extra money just to have that 8 threads.

Xeon 1231 all the way here, or get a much cheaper i5

as for gpu any r9 280/gtx 960 or higher performing card can max out gta v 1080p 60 FPS,
however for max/high settings at 4k you are going to need 290x crossfire, 295x2, gtx 980 sli, or titan x to pull that off.

a single 290x or gtx 980 can pull medium settings robally at 4k


Mar 30, 2015

Yup, in the end all that matters is the GPU, of course your CPU also needs to be good and capable of performing good, not to cause bottlenecks, where your system might be capable of more. All the visual stuff is mostly done in GPU, CPU just passes the information to it. (correct me if I'm wrong, but that's how I understand it)

You should be good with i5-4690K and with a 2x GTX 960 SLI (or better, R9 290, GTX 970...) for 4K, but as for 1080p, it should run smoothly at high res. I can't say how well GTA V would run on 960 SLI config, but in my opinion it should run fine.
For Photoshop, RAM is more important than CPU & GPU, and GPU is more important than CPU. You will rarely need a fast processor for just basic photoshopping, older versions did, but not CS6 and above. The same could be said for gaming, CPU is not what makes or breaks your game play, it will always be your GPU & RAM. For GTA V and Witcher you're better off with a i7 to meet to recommended requirements of Witcher 3, however GTA V they list the i5. As for future proof, the i7 is great, if you multitask a lot. For almost the same price of the i5 4690k you could grab a Xeon 1231 V3 which is the best of both worlds. You won't be able to overclock it but that is never necessary for gaming.


Jul 28, 2014
With the 960 you will notice little to no difference between an i5 or i7 in games, since the GPU would be the limiting factor. If you're sticking with the 960 then either chip will do just great.

Unfortunately no the 960 is not really designed for 4k displays.

In fact, hardly anything on the market at the moment can get you 60fps @ 4k with high details.


Dec 6, 2014
Well ok thanks for advices. . Im not an extreme enthusiast 4k gamer, since building my first pc , want the best in my budget. Full HD gaming is fine for me. Gtx 980 or 970 exceedes my budget, may be I will get one in future but not now. And I see games like Crysis 3, new Battlefield series does shows a good fps difference with i7. The gtx 970 costs Rs 10,000 more than 960 but the i7 costs only Rs 5,000 more than the i5.


Mar 30, 2015
It's your choice, you can always upgrade GPU later, AMD will hopefully release new R9 300 series, expect price drops for older ones and some really top tier cards. I actually switched my card from R9 290 to GTX 970, the heat was too much for my ambient temp, both cards are great! Although the 3.5 not 4 Gb VRAM issue could impact future gaming performace, since they will eat up more and more memory. i7 would be a great choice, save some money and get the best GPU you can at that moment.