I saved the whole year for the black friday to upgrade from my FX 6300 to the i5 6400 to be able to fully utilize my GTX 970 but to my surprise the CPU is used at 100% in all games I throw at the CPU. 100% in Minecraft, CSGO, Google Chrome when watching Youtube or having more than 2 tabs open, League of Legends, Battlefield 1 (even though it's known to be CPU intensive but the other games are not an excuse), Star Wars Battlefront, GTA 5, every AC etc.
What can I do? It is not a virus because after I upgraded I reinstalled the Windows and the problem was not present with the FX 6300. The CPU temp nevers goes above 55*C and the mobo maximum temp was 42*C so it's not hot at all.
What can I do? It is not a virus because after I upgraded I reinstalled the Windows and the problem was not present with the FX 6300. The CPU temp nevers goes above 55*C and the mobo maximum temp was 42*C so it's not hot at all.