I5 6400 battlefield 1


Oct 30, 2016
I was wondering if i would even be able to run battlefield 1 without hurting my pc? I tested on system requirements lab and failed

I have an i5 6400
Gtx 970
And 8gb ram

I was wondering if I can play bf1 without hurting my computer
From watching a few conversations in forums including the battlefield forums, seems the beta was running better than the final release. As I understand the game runs better on dx11, dx12 has issues so far. It's still a new game, future patches/updates could change all of that. Either way a game won't 'hurt' the pc. A cpu running at 100% is perfectly fine assuming it's properly cooled, it's not going to hurt it. I'd imagine the i5 6400 can still run it but not as well as a faster i5 or i7. Even overclocked i5 6600k's are hitting 100%, the game is very cpu intensive. Some performance loss will happen, the i5 6400 is clocked slower.

Is the performance on the main game worse than the beta or something? I don't have the full game yet, but my i5 3340s ran the beta on medium perfectly, so I'd assume a 6400 would be more than enough?
From watching a few conversations in forums including the battlefield forums, seems the beta was running better than the final release. As I understand the game runs better on dx11, dx12 has issues so far. It's still a new game, future patches/updates could change all of that. Either way a game won't 'hurt' the pc. A cpu running at 100% is perfectly fine assuming it's properly cooled, it's not going to hurt it. I'd imagine the i5 6400 can still run it but not as well as a faster i5 or i7. Even overclocked i5 6600k's are hitting 100%, the game is very cpu intensive. Some performance loss will happen, the i5 6400 is clocked slower.