[SOLVED] i5-6600K (4.3Ghz) at around 20% idling and gets up to 100% when watching YouTube sometimes.


Dec 28, 2017

i5-6600K at 4.3Ghz
G1 Gaming GTX 1070
Z170M Plus
16GB of DDR4
Not too sure on the heat sink, its not stock but I think its cheap.
One 237GB SSD, One 1TB HDD with a 2TB SSHD

My problem is that my cpu usage is at 100% a lot of the time, meaning that (e.g) YouTube videos sometimes buffer quite a lot when I am only watching youtube, requiring me to refresh the page. I will admit I do not clean my PC that often (maybe 2 or 3 times a year at most) but the temperatures of my cpu never get too high. I also notice that sometimes in games I get less fps than I should, for example in Hitman 2 I barely get over 60 ever. I was just wondering if there is anything I could do that may help me with this issue that does not include a full system reset. I am also happy to answer any questions that you may have if I have not included enough information, thanks.
Hello ooft123,

A CPU being at 100% with a youtube video could depend on the browser, I've noticed that certain browsers will be more resource intensive than others, try a light weight browser. I would recommend Falkon (www.falkon.com), if you still are getting the problem with lightweight browsers it could be another issue, such as a program such a unwanted program remember to use a antivirus. You can use malwares to test to see if any such program would do this (malwarebytes.com). Also try this parts comparing software it will tell you if your idle percent and running percent seem odd (https://tinyurl.com/yb3q3bya).

The buffering could be the CPU or internet, it is pretty easy to figure out if it is your internet by going to a speed...
How are you checking your CPU usage? is that a constant 100% usage? it is normal to even hit 100% on simpler tasks, but thats a spike, it doesn't always stay 100%.

use task managed to identify what is consuming your cpu % usage. 100% usage is usually a sum of several programas running together, so they may be something malicious hogging.

So I am checking my cpu usage through task manager, it goes to 100% when task manager opens and then drops slightly to around 50%. This is when I have youtube open and some other programs such as discord and the league of legends client at the same time. I still feel like my cpu usage should be lower though as these aren't too demanding programs. When I am in a game of league (or literally anything for that matter) however, it goes to a constant 100%. Is this normal?

Screenshot of task manager whilst watching youtube and having leaguie and discord open: https://imgur.com/a/1fRpIMx

Even with 50% the youtube video is constantly buffering and freezing and the league client feels slow. I was also wanting to know if the programs/services showing on my task manager were normal and if not what I should do about them. I think that it would be good to note that my pc never goes under 10% cpu usage even with nothing open.

This is a screenshot of my task manager when my pc is idling: https://imgur.com/a/ykkV3HT

Hello ooft123,

A CPU being at 100% with a youtube video could depend on the browser, I've noticed that certain browsers will be more resource intensive than others, try a light weight browser. I would recommend Falkon (www.falkon.com), if you still are getting the problem with lightweight browsers it could be another issue, such as a program such a unwanted program remember to use a antivirus. You can use malwares to test to see if any such program would do this (malwarebytes.com). Also try this parts comparing software it will tell you if your idle percent and running percent seem odd (https://tinyurl.com/yb3q3bya).

The buffering could be the CPU or internet, it is pretty easy to figure out if it is your internet by going to a speed testing website or your search engine as some have some built in Bing and Google have where you can type "Speed test" and see your internet speed. You would want about 5-7mbps for 1080p.

I would recommend cleaning, I got a can of compressed air at a dollar store and used that, you'd be surprised what a tiny bit of dust can do to a PC, I had a tiny bit of dust on a GPU and it made it run 30% slower.

Here are some numbers to check how your system compares if you do not want to use the software, https://tinyurl.com/ycd7wgzv
There is also an issue with the i5 6600, I'm not sure if it would carry over to the k version, https://tinyurl.com/yahuywbs.
Also, check if your clock-speed is correct in the BIOS, it can slow down your computer, I have had that happen to me.

Best wishes,