Hi everyone. I am already have I5-6600k and wanna upgrade my gtx 970 to 1070 and also replace FHD monitor with WQHD monitor. So will that be ok? Will the I5-6600k bottleneck gtx 1070 or something? Thanks for the help!
Hi everyone. I am already have I5-6600k and wanna upgrade my gtx 970 to 1070 and also replace FHD monitor with WQHD monitor. So will that be ok? Will the I5-6600k bottleneck gtx 1070 or something? Thanks for the help!
The I5 6600k is more than Sufficient for the GTX 1070. I would even wager a OC'd i5 2500k could keep up with the GTX 1070 little lone a I5 6600k.
+falconGod an i5-6600K + GTX 1070 is an ideal combination. Matter-of-fact, I'm considering the same CPU & GPU upgrade for a family member's computer. Don't hesitate, and buy it.