I5-6600k worth overclocking


Nov 29, 2016
I want to get an i5-6600k but I would have to upgrade my mobo and cooler if I want to overclock. So what I am asking is would it be worth it to overclock it.

Its not the cpu's fault its the game, just google bf1 cpu usage. That game seems to be very inconsistent when it comes to performance from system to system, in multiplayer.
Question from Shawnio : "Will an i5-6600k with no oc be able to last"

mostly call of duty .. i don't own a collection of games . maybe 4 cores is enough for gaming but that's how intel markets their cpu line , you have to spend it all on an i7 i guess if you want no stagnation on the graphics unit . that 's why the i7 can speed up to 4.7 ghz like an fx 9590 cause apparently i5's core speed isn't enough to set the gpu free .
Question from Shawnio : "Will an i5-6600k be worth it to oc"

I would say no, but its a preference thing. Is the 6600k and MOBO worth getting over the 6500 and MOBO, yes. Is it worth buying an entire MOBO for the added performance, probably not. And with a GTX 1060, you will be GPU limited in most games. So yea, im going to say it wont be worth it.

The 6600K without overclock will be good for quite a few years. My old i7-920 lasted 6. CPU intensive games tend to have really high frame rates anyway, so not being able to overclock likely wont prevent you from still getting high frame rates.

Whattt? How is it struggling? Im running a 6600k no oc with a gtx 1070 and im running 70-90 fps on ultra