i5 750 to 3.5/4 ghz. Cooler needed


Apr 4, 2013
hi everyone

i was planning to do some oc with my cpu. I was actually wondering witch cooling solution could help me boosting to 3,5 / 3,8 ghz or a little more.

i was considering basically the CM 212 evo (wich in my country is like 35 euro) or the noctua dh 14. I know they are pretty different so we can't really compare, but wich one will fit best for that kind of oc?

i'm running my pc in a HAF 932 advanced, so the room is not a problem

Thanks !

i have 2 slot of corsair dominator. i know they are pretty high profile but i could easily remove the cooler from the top of one them. By the way, the dh 14 costs about 75 euros


my budget covers both the coolers i've listed. what i just need to know is if one coolers compared to the other one is a waste of money for the oc i intend to do (in this case if the noctua is a waste of money compared to the cooler master) or if the choiche of the noctua over the CM could in long term bring more benefits.

the RAM really is not a problem, since i have a good case with plenty of airflow and space, and obviously, the cooler at the top of the ram can be easily detached without compromise it's temperature