Question i5 9400f or i3 10100f

Led zeppelin blues

Mar 8, 2015
So basically two options to pair with a GTX 1650 SUPER for gaming
The i5 9400f with 6 cores and 6 threads
The i3 10100f with 4 cores and 8 threads

Of course the i3 10100f is cheaper but im not sure how much performance wise will there be a difference with the i5 9400f in terms of gaming
Could you good people please advise me which one to go for kindly

You can check comparisons in youtube, these two are kinda similar, though it depends on games, gpu and some other stuff. I 'd prefer 10100F just bcs of lower price and cpu usage, but temps and minor/medium FPS+ gains seem to be more often on the side of 9400F. Actually talking about price, do you already have some motherboard? These cpus need different sockets.
You can check comparisons in youtube, these two are kinda similar, though it depends on games, gpu and some other stuff. I 'd prefer 10100F just bcs of lower price and cpu usage, but temps and minor/medium FPS+ gains seem to be more often on the side of 9400F. Actually talking about price, do you already have some motherboard? These cpus need different sockets.
Thanks and yes i did check on motherboards ,DDR4 RAM is nota issue though a new motherboard i did check for it
and i was literally checking out videos of various in game performance of both CPU's with GTX 1650 SUPER and the most major difference in according to titles i've noticed is like on average 2 or 3 fps per title respectively

I just wanted to clear my doubts and seeing how i3 10100f is cheaper ,guess that is truly the way to go as per now
You can check comparisons in youtube, these two are kinda similar, though it depends on games, gpu and some other stuff. I 'd prefer 10100F just bcs of lower price and cpu usage, but temps and minor/medium FPS+ gains seem to be more often on the side of 9400F. Actually talking about price, do you already have some motherboard? These cpus need different sockets.
ah also please keep in mind with my above reply that i will be upgrading from an ancient i5 2400 ,so this upgrade will make a huge difference for me performance wise
,DDR4 RAM is nota issue
I wasn't talking about ram. I guess you've checked QVLs, but I wasn't talking about that, I meant sockets. 9400F is for socket 1151 and 10100F for 1200, meaning different boards. That's why when we talk about price, then, when saying '10100F is cheaper, then I guess you mean that mobo1200+10100F is cheaper than mobo1151+9400F. What 's then this (mobo+cpu) price difference - how many dollars/euro?
Performance-wise it's clear that mid end GPUs like 1650S can't make much of a difference between these two cpus.
I wasn't talking about ram. I guess you've checked QVLs, but I wasn't talking about that, I meant sockets. 9400F is for socket 1151 and 10100F for 1200, meaning different boards. That's why when we talk about price, then, when saying '10100F is cheaper, then I guess you mean that mobo1200+10100F is cheaper than mobo1151+9400F. What 's then this (mobo+cpu) price difference - how many dollars/euro?
Performance-wise it's clear that mid end GPUs like 1650S can't make much of a difference between these two cpus.
oh yeah absolutely took that under consideration since i5 9400f+Mobo = 220 USD

and i3 10100f+Mobo = 194 USD

Of course its a 26 USD difference but as you said the GTX 1650 SUPER would ideally be similar with either i suppose so the question is would not the cheaper option be better considering either two ?
From what I have seen they perform near identically in games. The 10100f however gives a better upgrade path. For example going from a 10100f to an i7 10700f is a much bigger upgrade than going from a 9400f to an i7 9700f.
ah of course ,that is a very valid point and thus makes a future upgrade less taxing on the pocket and viable to a better upgrade
From what I have seen they perform near identically in games. The 10100f however gives a better upgrade path. For example going from a 10100f to an i7 10700f is a much bigger upgrade than going from a 9400f to an i7 9700f.
ah of course ,that is a very valid point and thus makes a future upgrade less taxing on the pocket and viable to a better upgrade
I'm running the i5 9400f with an RTX 2080 super (I know I should have waited for 30 series :c haha) and so far it's been a dream 1440p 144hz build. But if you're looking for rough averages in the differences between the two here's a link :) They're pretty much on the same effective speed and average score by a 2% margin, if you look at the average benchmarked numbers that is. Real-world might be a smidge different.

This video shows them to work at around the same fps with the same exact GPU in your hands, so my best bet would be to go with the one with higher core speeds and most recent generation if you wanna also do some workload on the side and with maybe good resale value if you wanna upgrade :)

What motherboard are you currently using or planning on getting? Cause compatibility :)
Also, you might wanna wait for the 11th gen in two weeks. Might decrease the price of the 9th and 10th gens depending on where you look.