i5 Bottleneck Concern

I am going to play Devils advocate here and say No. the i5 4200M is fine for GTX 750 ti SLI setup and would not bottleneck in many games. the single threaded performance of Haswell is good enough that Direct3d games will probably use the i5 4200M to push GTX 750 ti(SLI)
I was not being sarcastic , I thought maybe the OP wanted to getto mount a i5 4200M with a Desktop GPU. I am sure it is possible if your a electrical engineer or just can use a solder iron really well . I do think there is a Levono Laptop with 2 GT 750M in sli though i cannot remember what CPU it uses.

It's configured by you if you ant to buy it directly from them. I'm looking at a prebuilt model with the 4200m and 2 750m in sli, Lenovo Y50