This is insane, I don’t think any of you understand the point. Yes, scientifically speaking, the difference in temperature by delidding the CPU is miniscule when talking about heat transfer in absolutes, but we are not in a lab…that temperature difference is quantified in a significantly different manor in real life. If you genuinely think 15 degrees celsius is not an important decrease in temperatures, go tell people that the temperature is going to drop 15 degrees tomorrow, but its okay since its only a 2.75% decrease, which is minuscule on the absolute temperature scale, so they don’t need to change their clothes, wear jackets, run their heater, etc. They’re going to look at you like you’re insane. You may as well not run any CPU cooler at all…since it was going to run at 100 degrees celsius anyways, and a couple degrees celsius is so minuscule…what difference does it make?
The point of delidding, getting better coolers, better thermal compound, etc. is to prevent the CPU from thermal throttling by increasing the heat transfer and dissipation. Testing has shown that delidding lowered temperatures 10-15 degrees celsius, thus preventing the CPU from thermal throttling and allowing it to render for longer. Three of Intel’s best marketing officers over here…