Ok are there any good undervolting guides, no idea how it works?
Honestly, I had no idea either, but when I bought the 14600K it was with the design of learning a little about over-clocking. What I didn't bargain on is the whole heat issue about a year or so ago coming to full bloom after MOBO manufacturers had sent out boards with wide open settings to get the most out of Intel chips... Long story short, I was aware of what was going on so I knew to be cautious when getting it set up.
Here's the link I relied upon the most:
It's a guy with a 13600K doing the undervolting on an MSI 790-A board. He does it, changes it, does it again, BUT updates what he does and how he got it to the best performance. I was a bit overwhelmed when I started it, but it was a breeze when I got it together.
Getting to know the undervolting.. there were three videos that
@vMax provided to me:
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mkAVITZoLY
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qS7-goe38Y&t=2092s
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oZ4is-nTi4
These were very helpful. The middle one is helpful for MOBO-type and the other two on where to find Bios settings for CPU-Lite that will accomplish your undervolting.
I used Cinebench23 to benchmark the changes and HWMonitor to have the temps. Only once or twice, briefly, did temps ever get to 99C, but that was actually after Bios updates. I've never been able to explain that. But I just shut it down and reloaded the default Bios settings and started again.
I wound up figuring out after a lot of trial and error with settings in the Bios, that I was best off leaving the Bios in top default performance settings and then going in and doing the undervolting in the way that the Reddit guy did. I set the p-cores and e-cores as he suggested and then reduced the default CPU-Lite setting to - I think 9, but it could have been 11. Suffice it to say, somewhere 11 thru 8 or 7 will probably deliver great performance at lower voltage and temps. I stopped playing with it because voltage was down, temps weren't getting above 85C, and performance for that 14600K chip was at close to peak performance according to what I had read. 5.5Ghz and 4.4Ghz. and a 255xx on Cinebench23. I just stopped at that point.
Here's the link to the thread that helped me with the links I provided above.
The last post I made in that thread was an update in October and I had to go in one more time after a December Bios update to do it over again. Worked just the same, but I think the CPU-Lite Mode 5 I stated in that post might have been wrong. You can try to get it down that low if you want and temps will go down little by little as you do it, but you risk instability. My son has had no issues, stuttering, BSOD's, or abrupt shutdowns. Been running great.
I'll try to carve out a minute to confirm the CPU-Lite Mode this weekend, but I think it's 9. That was a number that popped up on a lot of videos and posts I read, so I think it's close to that...
Anyway, good luck. Keep us updated. I'd love to know there's another success story out there.