i7 3770 cant get to 3.9GHz


Jul 21, 2018
the boost of the 3770 is 3.9?

while i am playing i am looking at the real 4 cores and alll of them cant dont go over 3.7ghz while gaming and 50% load. (also tried to disable HT got 80% load but same 3.7ghz)

temps are 45-50 max while gaming.
there is any way to make it go higher?

i have tried to unpark cpu but the results are the same.

No, with the turbo boost feature it would be 3.9 on 1 core, 3.8 on two cores then 3.7 on 4 cores. Even if you could get all 4 at 3.9 I highly doubt the extra 200mhz would make a noticeable difference, maybe 3-5 FPS.

its already on high performance

someone told me that if i disable turbo boost it will let the all cores to be 3.9 it is true?

thanks for helping guys. i will stay with 3.7 i dont want to make problems also i dont have overclockable mobo