i7 3770 Worth Upgrading or Needs New Ram?


Dec 21, 2012
I've been recently looking at the new ryzen lineup and thought it might be time to finally upgrade my 5 year old i7 3770 to a ryzen 1700.

My main reasons for upgrading is due to how sluggish the i7 3770 feels now in games like Black Desert and editing in After Effects.

I'm not exactly well versed in CPUs but using a motherboard preset I was able to "overclock" my i7 to 4.3 but I somehow keep seeing it go above into the 5.16 range http://prntscr.com/g1c0f7
This is all with the stock cooler and according to HWMonitor I'm getting max temps of about 73C on busy areas in Black Desert.
In addition to the CPU being 5 years old now, I've been running 12 gb of 1333mhz ram alongside it. With the release of Ryzen I saw many videos claiming that to get the most performance out of them, relatively high ram speeds are recommended so I wonder if the same applies to my current CPU.

So, I'm currently debating whether it would be better to just do a full upgrade or would getting some decent speed ram on my GA-Z77-DS3H motherboard would do the trick.

Before doing that i would suggest you to use ccleaner and un install any unwanted programs. then check how slow is your system.
How much do you work on after effects??
And if you think it's very minor diffrence like 1-3 sec lag . you can get a after market cpu cooler and fix that issue for 1 more year.
and which gpu?
Your CPU is not slow. Intel CPU's do not perform better with faster RAM, though your entire system will be faster (it will be hard to notice) if you do upgrade to 1600mhz.

For overclocking an aftermarket cooler will help keep your temps low.

Have you checked CPU load during gaming? If you are able to max out all cores on the 3770 then I would suggest it is time to upgrade. If you are not maxing your CPU then an upgrade could be better spent on something other than CPU, like a better GPU (we do not know what you currently have).


I make sure to take good care of my system and make sure that I know what and why something is running in the background. When I said sluggish I meant more like very slow previewing, I work on after effects in 6-8 hour bursts 1 to 3 times a week depending on how much I have on my plate and my motivation. I'm running a GTX 1070.
I highly doubt that the i7 3770 will bottleneck the GTX 1070. Going to Ryzen 7 will not give you (noticeable) gaming performance gains, but rather only productivity gains in After Effects etc.

For that reason I think that Ryzen would be a good and justifiable purchase/upgrade since you will benefit from faster productivity while using After Effects.
I have a computer with a 3570k. Windows 10 reports impossibly high CPU speed on mine too. Use CPU-Z if you want to check.

However, if your computer is overheating, the CPU will slow down dramatically to protect itself.
I would be very surprised if you got 4.3Ghz on the stock cooler without overheating - it was very difficult to get 4.2 on my 4690k

Suggest you use resource monitor to see if your CPU is at 100% when your computer starts lagging, and hardware monitor to see what your temperature is.

Good luck

My CPU load is around 50% shared throughout my physical cores 25% on my non physical while playing Black Desert. Even though the game isn't exactly the most optimized for multiple cores, a friend was able to achieve more than triple my fps in certain CPU intensive areas of the game with a ryzen 1700X at my exact video settings while also running a GTX 1070.

As for temps, I'm not too concerned about 73C unless it's throttling performance or borderline harmful to the CPU.
I also figured if I'm going to upgrade my ram from 1333mhz I would go a bit higher than 1600mhz or else the difference wouldn't justify the cost enough. But, I also ran into another problem where my current motherboard only supports up to 1600mhz and 2400 overclocked which I'm not sure how overclocking to such a high speed would work.


Well the game which I'm most interested in performance gains is an mmorpg which usually are heavily reliant on CPU and often bottleneck the GPU.

I see, that makes much more sense now. CPU-Z is showing speeds between 4.0 and 4.2 thanks for the tip!

Sounds like the game is capable of utilizing all 8 core and 16 threads that Ryzen provides. The i7 sadly has only 4 cores and 8 threads. In that case Ryzen is even more attractive as an upgrade.

EDIT: So, I quickly checked up on the game and it appears that it is poorly optimized for multiple cores and that clock rates and fast RAM help with performance.

The difference in performance between your friend with Ryzen and your i7 3770 does not make sense. Have you tried adjusting the graphics settings in Nvidia Control Panel instead of the game itself?

"Go to Nvidia Control Panel and change these settings in "Manage 3D Settings":
Anti-aliasing Mode - Enhance app settings. AA- Mode - 8x.
AA - Setting - 8x Supersampling.
Multi-frame Sample AA - On.
Power Managemant Mode - Prefer maximum performance.
Texture Filtering - Anisotropic sample opti... - Off.
Texture Filtering - High quality.
Texture Filtering - Trilinear. Optimisation.
V-sync - Off.

These are all under Program Settings, dont set those values for Global.

Got that from Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/blackdesertonline/comments/5qdptb/black_desert_not_fully_utilizing_cpu_or_gpu/

I had very similar settings in the nvidia control panel already, I was able to squeeze out a few extra frames with some changes but nothing major.

Edit: just some extra info, I'm able to obtain 80-110 fps out in the world but once I get near highly populated areas my fps goes down to as low as 15-30

I see, I'll give it a shot thanks.
Quick question though, would using the integrated Intel HD graphics from my CPU affect performance at all? I'm currently powering one of my monitors off of it since it only supports VGA and my GPU doesn't have a port for it.

I only use the monitor hooked up to my integrated GPU for keeping track of my performance, discord, skype etc. I'm just wondering if using the integrated graphics would reduce the performance of the CPU. Otherwise if I can save a few a extra frames by having one less monitor hooked up to my GPU then it's not such a bad idea to keep it as it is.