i7 3770 Worth Upgrading or Needs New Ram?

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Dec 21, 2012
I've been recently looking at the new ryzen lineup and thought it might be time to finally upgrade my 5 year old i7 3770 to a ryzen 1700.

My main reasons for upgrading is due to how sluggish the i7 3770 feels now in games like Black Desert and editing in After Effects.

I'm not exactly well versed in CPUs but using a motherboard preset I was able to "overclock" my i7 to 4.3 but I somehow keep seeing it go above into the 5.16 range http://prntscr.com/g1c0f7
This is all with the stock cooler and according to HWMonitor I'm getting max temps of about 73C on busy areas in Black Desert.
In addition to the CPU being 5 years old now, I've been running 12 gb of 1333mhz ram alongside it. With the release of Ryzen I saw many videos claiming that to get the most performance out of them, relatively high ram speeds are recommended so I wonder if the same applies to my current CPU.

So, I'm currently debating whether it would be better to just do a full upgrade or would getting some decent speed ram on my GA-Z77-DS3H motherboard would do the trick.


I notice 2-3 fps difference when I have a second monitor connected to my GPU. I feel that the difference should be less when using the iGPU.

that's hard to say definaily without pc specs.
but genrelly saying
for each monitor gpu has to process data.
gpu cycles and memory will be shared with all so ig your gpu falls short on max it starts to produce lags.
may be overclockig a bit will help you.

that's hard to say definaily without pc specs.
but genrelly saying
for each monitor gpu has to process data.
gpu cycles and memory will be shared with all so ig your gpu falls short on max it starts to produce lags.
may be overclockig a bit will help you.