i7 4770 with gtx760 or i5 4440 with 770 ?


May 17, 2014
as the title what's the best here ??

will the gap between 760 and 770 worth the money or a higher processor is better ?
If you are mainly gaming then choosing an i5 and a more powerful graphics card is better than choosing a CPU and slower graphics card. Gaming at 1680x1050 won't be hard with either of those cards though.

Also if you are comfortable with it, you could get a AMD FX-8350 which is faster and cheaper than an i5-4440. Would be about 10-20% faster. The AM3+ motherboards are also cheaper.
i wanted to get a fx 8350 but the majority seem to be on i5 and the single core performance side

i have reed lots of article and 90% of it say that i5 4 cores are much better in gaming than FX 8350 8 cores since all games not utilizing that many cores

that really make me headache 😀

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