i7 4770k with gtx 950 vs amd ryzen 1400


Jul 23, 2015
so i have a i7 4770k with a gtx 950 and I think to sell my cpu gpu and mobo and to buy a rx 470 8 gb with a amd ryzen 5 1600 or 1400.The thing is I wanna stream edit videos and record them while streaming.Is there gonna be a difference in performace with the 1600 or I should go with the 1400 cuz then the money will be enough for a ssd too and maybe a 8 gb ram ddr3 stick
thing is he got a strong CPU now with that 4770k but he cant understand he needs a strong GPU to match up with it , then he cant afford a GPU but got money for a new build [ryzen cou and motherboard and ddr4 memory ?????]

and then if he don't invest in a card on top of that hes still using a lower end weak card ???

dude you need a stronger GPU at leas a gtx 970 or higher with that 4770k you need a 980ti or a 1080 to balance it out with that 4770k

you got far more CPU then you do GPU and that's all there is to it

them cards like that gtx 950 is more for like prebuilts like a dell or hp low power crap systems or house hold / office builds .

anyway good luck on what you decide
None of those options allow for a ddr3 stick as they both use ddr4.

I assume you know youll not only need new memory but a new motherboard as well?

Honestly I'm not sure a 4770k to a 1600 helps much if any, and a 1400 would be a downgrade in nearly every situation.

I say keep your system and upgrade the GPU to the RX 470 or a GTX 1080 or 70. The 4770K is an awesome CPU and selling it to buy Ryzen won't get you a noticeable performance change. The only thing noticeable would be the hole you burn in your wallet.
'' so i have a i7 4770k with a gtx 950 and I think to sell my cpu gpu and mobo and to buy a rx 470 8 gb with a amd ryzen 5 1600 or 1400.The ''

ya that 960 is holding you back on that 4770

you need a 970 / 980ti at least but a 1070 or really a 1080 would put it in a better cpu to gpu balance..

you can see that using this

'' Number of GPUs = ''1''

i7 4770 gtx 960 top score single card = 7814
http://www.3dmark.com/search#/?mode=advanced&url=/proxycon/ajax/search/cpugpu/fs/P/1609/1010/500000?minScore=0&cpuName=Intel Core i7-4770&gpuName=NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960

i7 4770 gtx 980ti top score single card =16033

http://www.3dmark.com/search#/?mode=advanced&url=/proxycon/ajax/search/cpugpu/fs/P/1609/1033/500000?minScore=0&cpuName=Intel Core i7-4770&gpuName=NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti

I used a non ''K'' 4770 to eliminate any CPU overclocking that affects the GPU scores so if you overclock the CPU gains will be more on that 4770k

anyway you can see the lesser card used is the issue not the CPU by the Physics Score there the same under both cards used
well like I said my wallet is not big and when I sell my gtx 950 I can buy a used or new r9 380/x or a 290 and giving like 10-20 euros more to buy the,m plus like 40-50 for ssd... the 970 will be used for sure cuz I cant afford a new one and also I cant afford a rx 470 8 gb too`. I just wànna play league stream and have a couple for Microsoft edge tabs open in the same time and still have good amount of fps
m8 i said my wallet is not that big. a 1070 or 1080 is really overkill for me i don't play futuristic games or extremely heavy like i said i want to play league stream and have tabs open at the same time.The cards i can buy are these:

r9 290
r9 380/x
gtx 970 used (which is kinda risky to see at that low price in my country)

I'm not able to spend a lot of money i don't have the possibility to do it

"so i have a i7 4770k with a gtx 950 and I think to sell my cpu gpu and ..."

He has gtx 950...
well I guess he's not as in as good a shape as I thought .
unless hes able to move on up pretty good in a card its good money after bad I still feel

he got plenty of CPU he just cant match a strong worth wile card for it . lose lose
at a min I cant see going less them a rx 480 and there cheaper then NVidia and I'd still hate to do that when all said and done
thing is he got a strong CPU now with that 4770k but he cant understand he needs a strong GPU to match up with it , then he cant afford a GPU but got money for a new build [ryzen cou and motherboard and ddr4 memory ?????]

and then if he don't invest in a card on top of that hes still using a lower end weak card ???

dude you need a stronger GPU at leas a gtx 970 or higher with that 4770k you need a 980ti or a 1080 to balance it out with that 4770k

you got far more CPU then you do GPU and that's all there is to it

them cards like that gtx 950 is more for like prebuilts like a dell or hp low power crap systems or house hold / office builds .

anyway good luck on what you decide