I7 4790k hits 100c in seconds

Dec 16, 2018
So I just swapped my i5 for the i7 4790k. Stock cooler at idle is 30-35c
When I start anything that puts a load it goes to 89-100c in seconds. I have a better cooler on order. I used some 3 year old artic silver. Re seated the cooler and cleaned the TP twice with the same result. Can tp go bad?
Cleaning old thermal paste and applying new is always recommended to prevent air gaps., so you are good doing that. Thermal paste can dry out , yes, or depending on the ingredients, separate out, depending on how it's stored.

Case airflow a consideration, as well as airflow through the heatsink. Is the Heatsink fan actually running?

Is the 4790k new or used? Did someone delid it and was "messing under the hood" so to speak?
It is used. What do you mean dlid? It runs at 30c when not running intensive stuff like games or VR. Was reading some other threads with similar issues. Going to try and reset the bios and make sure the voltage is set low by default on my mb later.