So I'd like to update but don't know what to update next.
I do my research and I know that my CPU is not bottlenecking my GPUs.
So if I'll chouse to update GPU the only way is go for 970 but only SLI because single 970 still not enough to beat 670 SLI.
I don't want to buy 980 because of lower "performance per dollar" value in comparison with 970.
So my quastion is am I need to update CPU for 970 SLI or it'll be enough if I'll OC my CPU to let's say 3.2Ghz?
I do my research and I know that my CPU is not bottlenecking my GPUs.
So if I'll chouse to update GPU the only way is go for 970 but only SLI because single 970 still not enough to beat 670 SLI.
I don't want to buy 980 because of lower "performance per dollar" value in comparison with 970.
So my quastion is am I need to update CPU for 970 SLI or it'll be enough if I'll OC my CPU to let's say 3.2Ghz?