i7 8700k RAM and MB recommendations


Sep 29, 2013
I just bought a 8700k and Im also in need of a new Motherboard, RAM and a Cooler (for potential overclocking in a few years).
Im asking as I haven't built a PC in about 5 years and not sure what companies are still good for these parts.
These are the components I've set my eyes on:

Cooler: https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA8N26NG1526&cm_re=corsair_H_cooler-_-35-181-058-_-Product

RAM: https://www.amazon.com/CORSAIR-VENGEANCE-3000MHz-Desktop-Memory/dp/B075GY1VMZ/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1528844095&sr=8-3&keywords=corsair+vengeance+ddr4

Motherboard: https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?item=N82E16813119038

From my old built I have 2x 1TB WD HDDs
850 EVO SSD 256GB
RMx 850 PSU
GTX 1070 Ti

I will also be purchasing an M2 SSD, so prefer to have a slot for it.
Whenever I need to figure out what motherboard to get, I refer to a video by hardware unboxed. While I may be biased cause I'm Aussie, they provide good recommendations for motherboards, and know their stuff.
Relating to Z370 motherboards:

Ram is less important for Intel than for AMD, so any sticks at above ~2400Mhz by a reputable company should work just fine.

For a budget cooler with good overclocking potential, the Cryorig H7 is a great choice, and if you want a bit more thermal mass, the Dark Rock pro 4 or the
Noctua NH-D15 are still both great choices.
Cooler is two small, if you want an AIO you need a 240mm

Other then that Asus is always a good choice and RAM is also good. Mainly with Motherboards its just about features. ASRock offers alot of features and good quality at a lower price the ASUS so you could also look at them.

what cooler would you recommend? And is the ASRock a solid MB?
Whenever I need to figure out what motherboard to get, I refer to a video by hardware unboxed. While I may be biased cause I'm Aussie, they provide good recommendations for motherboards, and know their stuff.
Relating to Z370 motherboards:

Ram is less important for Intel than for AMD, so any sticks at above ~2400Mhz by a reputable company should work just fine.

For a budget cooler with good overclocking potential, the Cryorig H7 is a great choice, and if you want a bit more thermal mass, the Dark Rock pro 4 or the
Noctua NH-D15 are still both great choices.
I'd prefer a liquid cooler as air coolers are a bit too big and might not fit into my case, I do however have a lot of space for fans on the case itself. I've also been looking at EVGA CL 12 and CL 24, any thought and those two?
Unless you have a slim case, most every air cooler will fit. And the case specs should list cooler height limit.

Intel is less picky about RAM speed but 3000mhz is the sweet spot.

Im more of a fan of Air Coolers so I dont know wahts good, but as I said the 8700 runs hot so you need a dual fan 240mm one.

Mid-tower cases are designed for ATX, mostly. Full-towers are generally EATX. Do you have a model number for your case, we can check for you.

NZXT Guardian 921 RB ATX Mid Tower Case, Black (921RB-001-BL)
that is my current case that I bought a long time ago

Yea, i figured so as well. I went ahead and purchased this:

Thanks for the help