Id say the title of this article is rather misleading. A path forward in certain fields certainly. For instance statistical analysis. It would be heavily used in my scientific fields.
Ad agencies would love it as well. More spam that is better able to squeeze dollars out of you. Would be great for crunching all that personal data that is collected about you.
But, for your average enthusist, they will never be a path forward. Quantum computers give you a probable answer, not an exact answer. And there are many disciplines where a probable answer can not replace an exact answer. For instance it would be bad in the financial world if sometimes 1+1=0 or sometimes 1+1=1231212314411 instead of 1+1 always = 2.
Id say about the best it would ever be for the average enthusist might be a coprocessor, while the normal computing is done with a classical core, you might for instance have a quantum coprocesser for specific work loads.
Id say there is not a chance of seeing anything in the consumer space for at least a decade, its hard to predict anything fruther out then that tho.