Seriously im thinking ... sky net .. where is the terminator but yea that would be so useful in so many ways my god the ram alone had to cost about a million bucks thats just nuts.. i think they said like 15 petabytes nuts.. i wonder if it could think up some useful pick up lines for chicks?
or should we say hal from 2001 space movie .. they must feed this thing massive amounts of data i wonder how much hardrive storage is tied into that thing..
I could swear they tried this before and it lost. Oh well good to see they improved it I guess. I'm still not amazed by it however it simply takes key words from the question and if needed uses similar words as possibilities and answers based on what it already "knows" which was put in there by people in the first place. If it was a computer capable of researching and learning on its own to expand its own knowledge then I would be impressed.
I also have a feeling that the show was sort of geared to make it possible for it to answer. As a computer would be incapable of asking certain types of questions for example a question trying to predict a feeling. While certainly not a question worthy a Jeopardy a question like this "If Jake broke up with Jill what are likely emotions Jill would feel?" would likely make Watson stumped yet its so easy for a person to come up with every possibility.
Instead Watson is simply a Encyclopedia that tries to calculate what is the most likely meaning of the question through a search function. So a question like "What is the name of Dorthy's dog in the wizard of Oz?"
would be easily answered by picking up on key words in the sentence and the order that the words appear and picking the most likely answer.
I like ur comment jj43rd about politcians being replaced by computers.
Loll, interesting my friend. have super computers process all the data from districts look at all the economy , social, environmental impacts and pass the best laws based on whats best for the country. Obviously its scary having computers make decisions for us but interesting concept
I'll be impressed when a machine can beat an athlete at basketball or gymnastics or any event at the Olympics. Only then will I get worried about machines replacing humans. Calculations and playing chess is all mathematical which computers already surpass humans long ago. Machines can barely walk correctly.
@nuclearshadow, you do realize it has to analyze speach for puns and weird ways things are said. The speach recognition to understand what is meant is quite impressive to me at least.
And your rant on emotions "If Jake broke up with Jill what are likely emotions Jill would feel?" You do realize that if it can understand the meaning of the speach it would understand this meant they were dating and thus would be able to deduce there are 48 posible emotions to choose from and like us it could swag the most likey and like humans it would probably get it wrong.