Question Identical Computer and User Names - short term


Dec 8, 2002
Building a new computer to replace an old one. I like the names. I plan to reinstall a fresh copy of Windows on the old one and rename it after the transfer is complete, but for a short while, will there be any problems with two computers with the same name on a local network during the interim? IP will be different.
To be fair, I am not sure myself. I would imagine that if you have network discovery (share) on that it could cause a conflict. My thoughts would be to add a # or something to the older one to avoid the issue then just wipe it out with the clean install as planned.
Building a new computer to replace an old one. I like the names. I plan to reinstall a fresh copy of Windows on the old one and rename it after the transfer is complete, but for a short while, will there be any problems with two computers with the same name on a local network during the interim? IP will be different.
Even if the user names are the same, the NTFS ID will be different.

Just like there can be , and are, two John Smiths in the same town.
Different addresses.

I still wouldn't do it if I can help it, but there should be no major issue.