Question If I get a surge protector outlet, will it protect my hardware from power outage?


Apr 28, 2020
My biggest concern is having to spend more money to buy a gpu,CPU, motherboard etc due to power outage. . Surges comes after power outage so will that at least protect my hardware?

From what I know power outage may cause corrupted files, which I can fix by factory reset right?But it's the surges after that will damage the hardware.

I could buy a USP but it's really expensive. Anyway, will a surge protector do the job?

Please educate me if I'm wrong
My biggest concern is having to spend more money to buy a gpu,CPU, motherboard etc due to power outage. . Surges comes after power outage so will that at least protect my hardware?

From what I know power outage may cause corrupted files, which I can fix by factory reset right?But it's the surges after that will damage the hardware.

I could buy a USP but it's really expensive. Anyway, will a surge protector do the job?

Please educate me if I'm wrong
No. The sudden removal of power might cause a problem, because your storage could be half way through a critical write. That is what causes data corruption. Only a UPS with an automatic shutdown can protect.
No. The sudden removal of power might cause a problem, because your storage could be half way through a critical write. That is what causes data corruption. Only a UPS with an automatic shutdown can protect.
Ok but are my gpu, CPU or other hardwafe safe though? Yes a data corruption my happen but if I factory reset and erased everything, I would have no problem right?
Nothing is truly safe from a huge power spike.
It may be so fast or so strong that nothing electrically connected will protect you.
A whole house surge protection may be the best.
Next might be a superior surge protector like surgex.
A ups can add another level of protection.

Realistically, you are safe enough.
Outages happen every day and nothing much happens.
I think you may get best protection with a high quality psu.
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