If I put an ISO on a Flash Drive, can I take it off?


Jul 22, 2016
So I have a 32GB flash drive, and want to put a Linux Distro(Specifically Lubuntu) ISO on it so I can put it on my crappy and slow HP Mini. But after, I wanna remove the Linux installer from the USB so I can use it to store other things. Can I just format the flash drive?

I'd also like to know how to put the ISO ONTO the flash drive so it will install when I plug it into the laptop.
You can absolutely reformat your USB after using it to Lubuntu.

In the Lubuntu documentation (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/InstallingLubuntu) are instructions for creating a "Live-USB" to do the installation.
You can absolutely reformat your USB after using it to Lubuntu.

In the Lubuntu documentation (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/InstallingLubuntu) are instructions for creating a "Live-USB" to do the installation.

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