If I revert back to Windows 8.1, can I upgrade to Windows 10 still?

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Aug 5, 2015
Without going into detail why, I need to completely wipe my drive and reinstall my Windows 8.1 using the install disk. If I do this, can I still get the free upgrade to Windows 10 (I'm using it right now) later on?
If you've already done the upgrade, then you should be able to do so again later. SFAIK once you've already done the upgrade, the product is registered with the activation servers indefinitely and the one year limitation on initially upgrading is discarded. In fact, after upgrading, you can also do a clean install of Win10 the next time as long as you don't change motherboards.

If you change motherboards you will apparently have to go through the process of installing your 8.1 OS again, upgrade and then call Microsoft for reactivation.

If you've already done the upgrade, then you should be able to do so again later. SFAIK once you've already done the upgrade, the product is registered with the activation servers indefinitely and the one year limitation on initially upgrading is discarded. In fact, after upgrading, you can also do a clean install of Win10 the next time as long as you don't change motherboards.

If you change motherboards you will apparently have to go through the process of installing your 8.1 OS again, upgrade and then call Microsoft for reactivation.



Mar 14, 2015
Any chance that you can install Windows 10 first before you wipe it? This way Windows 10 will activate and you can use the same key as your Windows 8.1 has to clean install 10. I believe that's the easiest possible way right meow.

While I upgraded myself, I'd personally rather avoid the idea of doing a clean install and upgrading immediately, seems pointless
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