I think Jesus would be displeased with many people. I have told others before that I am so glad I am not God. Because if I were, sometimes I think I would have nuked the world. For real, you look at things people do, people go out and act like idiots, then blame God for their problems, when it's really their fault.
What stupid people we are at times. God loves everyone, and that is fact. I think honestly when Jesus does return, He will have done EVERYTHING possible to make sure as many people as can be are saved. I am not God, but I imagine some of the things people do break His heart. I mean if you think about it, it's like if anyone has kids, when your children do wrong, you must still punish them, but you always love them. You only want the best for them. But what about parents who watch their kids go down wrong paths, try everything to stop them, but the kids go their own way and ruin their lives anyway. I think God must feel the same way sometimes.