I have a pre-built that came with 3000 MHz RAM, but just one 8 GB stick. The cheapo motherboard however, limits it to 2666. I know when you are pairing memory, the best thing is to get the exact same model number. But I am finding out just how hard it is to find single stick to buy anymore. And I really don't want to buy two more stick and just have to discard the one that came with it or forgo the dual channel benefits. And I don't really want to deal with getting two sticks and then maybe selling the current on for cheap on Ebay. I'm already a little unhappy with this purchase just because in the random crapshoot that is pre-built, where you get whatever brand they have on hand for any component, I got shafted on pretty much every single one. Reviews and Q&A on the website mention many other people getting much more lucky than I did. Whereas I got the scrapings from the bottom of the barrel for everything. (I honestly may even use the "You claimed 3000 RAM and I and only getting 2666" as an excuse to return it to Best Buy if I see another one somewhere else on sale. I really think that is a shady practice by both Cyberpower and Best Buy to not mention to people that the advertised RAM will probably be limited. Not one gives a damn what the stick is capable of. They only care what it WILL deliver.)
So my question is, since the memory in there is already being decreased to 2666 Mhz, would it make any difference whatsoever if I paired it with a 2666 MHz stick? I already know there is little chance of getting a single stick of the same brand/model, but I still want to stick to as close as I can for all the specs. But I am also seeing more single sticks available in the lower speeds. So if there will be no difference at all, it opens up more options for me.
So my question is, since the memory in there is already being decreased to 2666 Mhz, would it make any difference whatsoever if I paired it with a 2666 MHz stick? I already know there is little chance of getting a single stick of the same brand/model, but I still want to stick to as close as I can for all the specs. But I am also seeing more single sticks available in the lower speeds. So if there will be no difference at all, it opens up more options for me.