I'm buying the last part for my rig and I need help choosing between AMD and Nvidia for a GPU.

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I'm working on my first ever PC build which is going to be used mainly for art and design stuff, but I will also play some games on it. A lot of people have been telling me that AMD is better right now, but over on the Adobe forums it's mostly all pro Nvidia because of CUDA implementation in Adobe software. I plan to buy this thing today, hopefully in the next few hours.

PSU will be 550W+ (haven't picked one yet)
Xeon e3 1230v3 and ASUS H97 motherboard
Monitor resolution will be 1080p but I might add a 1440p in there for my art stuff
Don't care who the maker is as long as it's a reputable company with a good RMA process just in case, and I also want the card to be cool (hot room in summer), and as quiet as possible.

If you could send any kind of benchmarks with your opinions on it to validate them that would also be awesome. :)

EDIT: Forgot to add that my budget is around $350 Canadian.

Wait, you lost me a minute. Are you saying that the 770 isn't really going to help me over a 760? I thought all of them had CUDA by default that worked in whatever program has CUDA acceleration. Is this not true?

The games I am most likely to play on this thing are: Sims 4, Sim City, Civilization 5 and the new one, Minecraft, League of Legends, and some other random indies. I doubt I'll play Battlefield 4 or CoD on this thing, most of my FPS games are on console with my friends who also have console. The closest I've gotten to fast FPS is killing floor lol
"I'm an artist, so I'm just looking to build something that can handle Adobe Suite well and help me along. I will also be recording my screen using Fraps or something similar for speed drawings and tutorials."

Would you stop with the games?
So the 760 will do, but if I want to play some better games the 770 is a good investment? Is there any reason besides games, at all, that a 770 will beat a 760? I wasn't sure how well the 760 would do on a 1440p screen if I get it, but the price diff for me is about $60 between the 760 and 770.

Thank you. Out of all the GTX 7xx brands, who is best? I was thinking EVGA because of the stellar RMA but I hear they are pretty loud. On the other hand ASUS seems to make good ones but the RMA sucks if I ever need to RMA it, but they aren't as loud I've heard.

Have you read the studio productions link from above, the "besides games" questions are answered there.

See sections 11 thru 14
For adobe suite, go with nvidia card.

Since you are doing art,there is one thing you might want to look into is nvidia's color range issue,


Not sure if the latest nvidia driver have fix that issue, however it's not a big deal, connect your card to monitor via DVI port will fix it.

I'm still reading it but I got through the comparison charts and from what I've seen the 770 appears to only beat the 760 by a few seconds. Is there anything else that might be worth the extra $60-$70 or am I better off saving the money to use elsewhere? I need to buy this thing soon, preferably in the next 30 min so it arrives on time.

Thanks, but I've heard about this already actually and did a lot of research. I'm going to use DVI and the HDMI registry hack until Nvidia puts out drivers to globally toggle the RGB issue which they said they are working on, and I'm guessing they will be out at the end of the year, maybe.
The 750 Ti might be a good bet after all. Its newer architechture seems to work extremely well with adobe and anything else cuda based, it also uses hardly any power and creates hardly any heat. Also plenty of performance for the types of games you play. A 770 would be overkill IMO.

I would wait for the new stuff if I could but I can't. The GPU is the last thing I need and everything else already arrived, and I have a xeon so I need a dedicated GPU. I ended up ordering the 760 because even on a 1440p screen the games I play are fine with 760.