Question i'm looking for a sandboxie alternative for multiple instances !


May 9, 2017

Right now I have too runs a vm and host with 2 instances on each os using sandboxie.

I want to run more than 2 instances that I get from free sandboxie. Any one know of any other app's that might work like sandboxie ?
Why can't you run multiple VM's?
All it takes is CPU horsepower and sufficient RAM.
I sometime's have all my horse power max'd. I don't want my functionality to be restricted due to random events that may need my vm setup.
Are you talking about this SandBoxie? If so, why you run it in VM? Are you trying to go around some licensing restrictions on the free version?
Yes and know. Some times I need 2 mouse simultaneous. And I have ran the free an/or pay on multiple computers/devices/vm to test some thaings. I have payed but it is costing way to much.
Have you fixed the apparent effects from your earlier breakin and system compromise?
I'm working on it. I have been non stop researching .. INSANE amount of info. Some was bloock'd by the NSA. 🙁 Witch is good for defense.. But bad for me !

I'm hoping I don't have to trow away all writable devices. I might look into replacing the memory models on circuit boards.. Some are near impossible to solder on thow. 🙁

EDIT: Wen I get progress I'll post my out come's. (software, hardware and custom mods)
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