Question I'm losing my mind! PC not meeting performance expectations!

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Feb 22, 2017
Hi Everyone,

I hate to be the generic post writer, complaining about his PC performance but I honestly can't think any more. For a long time now, I have been barely holding on as my PC struggles to get 60 frames in almost every AAA game. I've always considered myself knowledgeable when it comes to hardware, but after monitoring all temps and usage, I am at a dead end when trying to work out what it is thats making my PC struggle!

My specs are as followed (please guys, i am aware it is not next gen system but im also aware of the expected results in each game).

i7 4790K
16 GB LP Vengance
1TB 7.2K
Z97S Krait SLI
H100i Corsair GTX

As a whole, I struggle to reach 60fps steady on any fairly intense game at 1080p. Here are some FPS averages to put into perspective:
RDR2 - 57 FPS (1080p medium)
Halo Infinite - 51 FPS (1080p low/medium)
Call of duty: MW - 68 FPS (medium 1080p)
Forza 5 - 80 fps (1080p medium)
Witcher 3 - 65 fps (1080p medium)

I have done absolutely everything imaginable to try and highlight the problem, Im starting to believe its something beyond my understanding.

These are the tests ive made:

  • Swapped out and tested 2 different RAM kits
  • Bought a new HDD
  • Bought a new SSD
  • Increased Titan X's stock temp limit of 83 degrees to 87 and increased the power limit (I thought it a throttling issue at first but I was running at 73 degree with an aggressive fan curve)
  • Watched usage in game and movement in clock speeds
  • reinstalled windows multiple times
  • walked through nvidias control panel for anomolies
  • reverted BIOS to factory settings
  • changed power settings to max performance
  • Performed multiple malware tests
  • increased fan curve on the entire system
STRANGE: Yesterday I tested a friends GTX 980 in my build, of course its a weaker card but still expected better results. The card actually gave almost identical frame rates as my Titan X, leading me to believe its something unrelated to the GPU.

If any of you guys have any ideas please shoot!
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in regards to benchmarks, firestrike is saying that my PC is running as expected, but predicting frames way above what im reciving

score is below
When you ran UBM it showed 8GB of ram.
I don't think that's going to work very well for gaming.
I also asked about a couple of response.
I asked you to do something with UBM and post another response.
When you ran UBM it showed 8GB of ram.
I don't think that's going to work very well for gaming.
I also asked about a couple of response.
I asked you to do something with UBM and post another response.

UBM showed 8 gigs as like I said, I was running 16gb from 2 kits but ran just 8 so I could run it in XMP stable.

As for drivers, everythings freshly installed as like I said, I reinstalled windows last night on a brand new SSD.

Thanks for the reply, mustve dismissed the last as im being harrassed for buying a titan 4 years ago lol
UBM showed 8 gigs as like I said, I was running 16gb from 2 kits but ran just 8 so I could run it in XMP stable.

As for drivers, everythings freshly installed as like I said, I reinstalled windows last night on a brand new SSD.

Thanks for the reply, mustve dismissed the last as im being harrassed for buying a titan 4 years ago lol
Windows may or may not install the proper mobo drivers so you might want to check.

I asked for the rerun of UBM because of the amount of background stuff that was running.

If you are trying to game on 8GB of ram or have a bunch of stuff running in the background it will effect game perf.
Windows may or may not install the proper mobo drivers so you might want to check.

I asked for the rerun of UBM because of the amount of background stuff that was running.

If you are trying to game on 8GB of ram or have a bunch of stuff running in the background it will effect game perf.

Thanks for this,
I’ll have another look through drivers tomorrow morning. As for UBM, I did another run through this afternoon with 3% background usage as opposed to mid 30s and recieved the same result 😤

and yeah of course, it’s been stuttery as expected but this was only a temp so I could run XMP from the same kit as I can’t enable XMP on my 16s as they’re different speeds to it defaults to the slowest one
It seems like you’re expecting to achieve predicted FPS from a benchmarking app? It’s likely the benchmarking app is configured wrong for your specific card since not many people have a Titan X. Likely the predicted frame rate showing in Firestrike is too high.

the actual frame rates you’re getting seem about right for a 4th gen quad core cpu paired with a mid range GPU.
UBM showed 8 gigs as like I said, I was running 16gb from 2 kits but ran just 8 so I could run it in XMP stable.
Why? Start by getting both sticks stable.

Fps max is all about the cpu. Has nothing to do with the gpu. The gpu can only be a fps limiter, as with any other component, be it ram or ssd or even motherboard. All fps originates at the cpu.

I'd do a couple of things. Start by getting your ram set straight, even if it means dialing it in manually to get it stable, increase voltage 0.05-0.1v or bump the System agent up a hair or vccio etc. OC the cpu a little if that helps, which it should.

Second, get a little free app called WinAero. Use it to turn off soul suckers like Cortana, windows tiles etc. They use up cpu resources for no real reason other than gimmicks.

Run through your settings. Turn off Xbox DVR crap and gamebar helper totally, they are high usage settings useless for pc gaming unless you run an Xbox or simulator through the pc, which is pointless.

You should have the last known bios And the last updated motherboard chipset drivers from the motherboard vendor support website. Windows has played havoc with chipsets, especially audio and Lan and can and will tank fps if relying on windows generic drivers.

Make sure all bios settings are correct for the application. Ssd should be AHCI and set for GPT, not MBR. Hdd if 2Tb or less is OK for MBR, otherwise it too should be GPT.

Hopefully you have just the driverset for nvidia, and aren't running Geforce Experience. GEx is great if you want best Quality picture at affordable fps, but lousy if you want best FPS at affordable quality.
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