Question I'm unable to boot into windows 7. Please read!


Feb 14, 2022
A few days ago, I installed WWE 2k19 on my computer. It was a little slow. It had a few lag spikes. So I checked task manager and saw that my CPU usage was nearing 100%, so I went on Msconfig and changed the cores from 1 to 4. After a while, I eventually restarted my computer. Everything looked normal; the HP logo, the windows 7 boot screen.... but one problem. When it should have went to the login screen, instead I saw a flash of a blue screen, and then my PC restarted. To see the actual issue, I disabled restart on system failure. The error code was: BAD_SYSTEM_CONFIG_INFO. Now, that's not the reason I'm here. The reason I'm here is because, whenever I try to do a startup repair (By selecting repair your computer by pressing f8 at the startup screen), instead of it opening startup repair, the screen goes black for about 2 minutes, and then the PC turns off. Safe mode, last known good config, disable blah blah blah, everything, will not work. Can someone help me fix this? Or at least tell me how I can uninstall windows 7 and install windows 10? Because I have changed the cores before, and every time I've done it (Which was done on windows 10) it worked. I just need help.
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exact model of this laptop? new? used?
why was it on 1 cores?
could do a fresh windows 10 install
Did you even read half of the post? First of all, I mentioned that it was a PC, and I don't know how to do a windows 10 install while not being in the operating system. It was at one core because that's the default the system is set to. It just so happens that I decided to change it just now.
But since you asked for the model, it's an(used) HP Compaq 6200 pro Small Form Factor, with both an upgraded 240gb SSD, and a 1tb HDD that windows is currently on. The graphics card is an AMD embedded E9173. The CPU is an i5-2500. Please reply if you have any more info.
Please know I'm not spamming. I posted a thread a few hours ago and I didn't get the response I'm hoping for, so I'm dedicating it to the main purpose of my problem. Read the less recent thread for more info. When I select "Repair Your Computer" in the Advanced Boot Options, the screen goes black, like it's about to do something, and after a few minutes, the computer turns off. I'm almost positive it's just going to sleep, but that's not the point. I really, really need help on this, and I don't want to have to reinstall windows.
The windows installer is very particular. There should be only one drive in the computer (others can be added after installation is complete). This drive should contain a GPT partition marker and all of its space should be totally unallocated. If there are any leftover partitions from previous install attempts use a partitioning tool like Gparted to remove them and verify the GPT identifier.