Question I'm unsure what MicroSD card to purchase for my phone ?


Aug 21, 2015
Hi, it's been a while since I purchased a microSD card and could benefit from a little help.
My current Samsung Evo MicroSD card (128GB) keeps corrupting in my phone.
I only use this for offline music, plus anything from the camera gets saved here.

My question is: what MicroSD card would I need for filming at 1080p 60FPS ? V10 , V30 , A1 , A2 ??
I require a 128GB card.

Any help would be greatly appreciated 🙂
I've got 128GB and 512GB Samsung Pro Plus cards, but I don't actively use them terribly often (one in tablet and other in handheld) though they are always in the devices. They have worked very well, but I haven't really swapped them in and out much so I'm not sure how durable they are.

These are the first Samsung cards I've had, but in the past I've had random issues with cards, but not any specific brand or type so I got to the point where I just assumed that's how they go sometimes.
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