I'm having a bit of trouble getting files from an old imac. The disk seemingly crashed, and it wont let me reinstall. Guessing I have to format it first.
Edit: First aid fails and cloning to a new disk from disk utility gives an I/O error
I'm having a bit of trouble getting files from an old imac. The disk seemingly crashed, and it wont let me reinstall. Guessing I have to format it first.
- Target mode with firewire to another old macbook doesnt seem to work , nothing comes up on the working macbook.
- In the recovery menu I can open the disk and see its contents, but it wont let me copy it to another disk.
- Booting from linux gives me no access to the files, but I can see the folders.
Edit: First aid fails and cloning to a new disk from disk utility gives an I/O error
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