A bit left-field/old school, but I've been using a Cherry G83 at work for the last 12 years - I think they can be had for about £20 now. If you like the old-fashioned-style keys (i.e. tall with a bit of travel), then it's very comfortable for extended periods of typing. My colleague has the mechanical version (ancient - has a PS/2 connector on it, so maybe 20-25 years old?), which has a similar (albeit stiffer) key feel, and is noticeably noisier. I have one at home too, and it's fine for gaming in my experience (e.g. STALKER, Borderlands, RTSs). I've also used a Cherry Stream, which has "laptop style" keys (smaller, less travel, quieter), without issues, although I think the n-key rollover might be a bit more limited (may or may not be an issue for you, depending on your usage). Again, under £20, so should give you a bit of money for a mouse whilst staying in budget.
Mice ... I had a Razer Diamondback which was great, until Razer stopped making drivers for it when Windows 8 came along (which you needed, because it was far too sensitive out-of-the-box). Personally, I like the old Intellimouse shape, and have a Cooler Master Mizar & Alcor (home & work - I think they've been replaced by the MasterMouse 530 now) - not the most expensive feeling mice, but nice and comfortable, decent adjustable sensitivity, and doesn't need drivers.