In need of serious help ...


Jul 18, 2007
Hey, basically I've got a system that I've built, it contains:

Asus Striker Motherboard
Intel Quad Core Q6600
nVidia 8800 GTX GFX card
X-Power 700w PSU

Now, I've connected everything, my fans in my case work and the optional fan I got with it works, but whenever I try to power up the PC, it all starts and everything except from the PSU fan. It just doesn't start. I can get into BIOS and everything but my time is limited because my CPU overheats. Is there anything I can do? I'm really really stuck here.

Cheers, Ste


Feb 4, 2006

You need to reseat your CPU fans connection (while once again verifying that you have it on the correct motherboard header...).

If this does NOT work do NOT run your system as thermal shutdowns for the Proc are not the nicest thing to do to your new machine.

If this does not work go to your local PC store and purchase an aftermarket cooler and place it on the same MB header. If it spins and all is good use that one. If it does not spin read the MB book once again verify you have the correct header (normally says cpu right on the MB). If you are sure you have the correct header then RMA the MB or chose to use the fan in always on mode and connect it to a different header.

Hope this helps.


Apr 27, 2007
ste, i think that your psu fan might be jammed with a cable inside your psu. maybe u could turn your psu around and look for a loose cable or try to turn your psu fan with a pen/stick while turned off.
if there's nothing likely to be jamming your psu fan, then maybe your psu fan is dead, or doesn't have a good connection in which you have to open your psu and replace /or check. that is if your psu warranty have already gone.


Jan 23, 2007
Why should the lack of the PSU fan operation cause the CPU to quickly overheat? If the CPU HSF is correctly installed and operating, the lack of a PSU fan's airflow shouldn't cause a CPU thermal shutdown in a couple of minutes.

The PSU fan operation is a separate thing altogether. If the PSU is operating and driving a system load, the fan should be on. If you have made sure that the PSU fan can spin freely as mentioned in previous helpful posts, try a different PSU. I do not recommend opening a PSU unless you are a very experienced technician (I am an electronic engineer), as there are potentially lethal voltages inside.

[Edit to fix spelling error: "oad" should have been "load". D'oh!]

Good luck!



Feb 22, 2006
It sounds to me that your power supply fan is DOA. I'm not sure on this but i do think PSU's have a thermal protection on them much like a CPU does. Your PSU could be automatically turning off to avoid damaging it self. If you have an extra PSU around that can power your system you should try using it to make sure it is only the PSU that is causing your problems.

If you don't have an extra PSU around there is one other way you might be able to determine if it's your PSU causing problems or something else. Unhook all power leads from your hdd, video card, ect. Now look at the 24 pin connector that plugs into your mobo. there should be one green wire that is in this connector, find it (its close to one end) Now if you take a paper clip or something and short that green wire with one of the black ground wires it should cause your PSU to kick on. Normally you could tell if the PSU turned on by the fan turning on but, yours seems to be dead so hook up a case fan to the PSU to see if u have power.

Now if you leave the PSU on with just a case fan hooked up to it and it suddenly turns off even though that green wire is still shorted you should send the PSU back and get a new one because it's your problem. DO NOT open your PSU first of all because it voids your warranty secondly the EE guy is right there are lethal voltages inside.


Feb 4, 2006
Sorry Wanna I read through too quickly...

My bad I thought you said CPU not PSU fan...

Your comment about CPU overheating sent me that way.

If it is your PSU that the fan is not turning then it may just be that it is not yet hot enough for it to turn. Many of the newer PSU vendors actually put stickers on the PSU telling folks that the fan may not initially turn as it is temperature controlled.

So if you are shutting off after some time do to thermal shutdown then you might want to check out how your HSF for your CPU is seated.

The HSF provided with the Q6600 takes some heft to make sure the pins go completely through and lock. People tend to think it is too much force and sometimes do not fully engage the pins. Check the HSF to see if it is indeed secure.



Jul 18, 2007
Oh hell I wrote PSU fan instead, sorry, I meant CPU LOL

It's ok I found out the problem! My CPU_Fan socket isn't working. Tried two different fans and they weren't working at all. Then my mate plugged the CPU fan into one of the Optional fan sockets and it started spinning. I'm setting a replacement motherboard soon, so all should be ok. It's a shame, cos I had a HELL of a time getting the PSU, and then this happens, grrr.

Cheers for your responses guys :)