In Pictures: 20 Must-See Games And Components From E3 2010

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I'm really looking forward to Goldeneye for the wii. It was my favorite game on the N64 without a doubt and is possibly my favorite FPS of all time
[citation][nom]xerroz[/nom]I'm really looking forward to Goldeneye for the wii. It was my favorite game on the N64 without a doubt and is possibly my favorite FPS of all time[/citation]
Just download Goldeneye Source. With Activision at the helm of the new Goldeneye, I don't have high hopes for the new game... Besides, Goldeneye Source is awesome.
"Most games still look 4 years old, thanks to the prehistoric hardware in consoles, these are making a mokery of 5970 & likes owners.."

Not that many people own 5970's! If they made games that only ran on 5970's they wouldn't get many sales then would they??
I just wanted Half Life 3 / Episode 3 this year. Is that too much to ask?
13 of those are shooters of some kind. I'm not sure what's more pathetic, the development community for being so unoriginal or the consumer market for gorging themselves on them.

And Kevin, did you even attend E3? Kinect was much more gimmicky than either Wii or Move. And biggest irony of the issue being that claimed the 3DS would not contain the style of titles I just berated above yet on display with no less than Resident Evil, Metal Gear Solid, Street Fighter IV and Dead or Alive along with the following titles in development: Assassins Creed, Saints Row, Ninja Gaiden, Splinter Cell, Ghost Recon, Driver, Contra and Bloodrayne.
"Microsoft's Kinect showed the most promise on a hardware level, hands down." Are you serious? It suffers lag because MS had to cut down hardware components in order to sell (losing money) it at 149$.
"actually see his face, a factor missing from the previous installment."

Umm Yeah, if you actually finish Dead space you see issac's face. Also why Wasn't Fallout New Vegas or The new Assassins Creed Mentioned here, i mean who really cares about "Epic Mickey" or yet another motion controlled device that is being pushed into the already Wii dominated motion control market.
Crysis is over hyped IMO. Although Crysis 1 looks gorgeous (just played through it on high settings), the story itself and the level progression make it a standard FPS, nothing too amazing. Hopefully this one will be better.
So, basically, there were three games? The Donkey Kong, the Mickey Mouse, and all the rest?

It's pathetic how brain-dead these games are. 20 years ago you had a real selection with types of games, not all repetitions of the same theme. Me hit you over head/shoot you with gun/shoot you with laser/kick you. Me simple minded player.

Ugggh. No wonder kids are so stupid now. This is their mental stimulation?
@ta152h While I agree with you on principal you are forgetting Little Big Planet 2. A game that in edit mode will let peoples imaginations and ingenuity develop.
I miss Tom's Games, Kevin. Is there any hope of you guys doing some more creative shenanigans with the Cris 2 editor?
For Dead Space 2, the team tried to incorporate additional visual reactions into Issac Clarke as he explores the mysterious, yet hostile, environment. There's also the ability to impale enemies by using the severed limbs of other enemies, adding to Issac's list of weaponry and unique killing styles. The presentation also revealed that gamers will finally hear Issac's voice and actually see his face, a factor missing from the previous installment.

really IGN? you mean to tell me you guys didnt know you can pan the camera around in the beginning shuttle sequence before he puts his helmet on, to see his face? wow, can i have a game testing job?
[citation][nom]tony singh[/nom]Most games still look 4 years old, thanks to the prehistoric hardware in consoles, these are making a mokery of 5970 & likes owners..[/citation]
Game makers don't assume you have a 5970 as most people can't afford them. But I have to disagree. Rage, Crysis 2, Dead Space 2 and the next Call of Duty all look like they will have excellent graphics. I'll bet you Rage running on a 5970 will look absolutely amazing.
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