For some reason when I raise the FSB up to above 270MHz the hard drive won't work correctly. But I can put it to 300MHz and it will run fine at 2.8GHz. I guess something to do with the PCI-Clock?
Anyways, the multiplier on my 3000+ Venice is 9x. If I put it down to like 8x and keep the FSB at 300MHz will I be ok. I don't want to destroy the memory controller or anything by chance. My biggest worry is damaging something by the FSB being 100MHz above normal.
Anyways, the multiplier on my 3000+ Venice is 9x. If I put it down to like 8x and keep the FSB at 300MHz will I be ok. I don't want to destroy the memory controller or anything by chance. My biggest worry is damaging something by the FSB being 100MHz above normal.