Infinity alpha 50s

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Jul 16, 2012
i have acquired a pair of infinity speakers. what do I need to set them up. have no cables or any thing. are they worth keeping? approximately how much would it cost to set them up?
thank you
What you would need depends on what sources you want to connect them to.
You would at least a power amplifier that you could connect to your source (PC, CD, etc) if this or the amp has it's own volume control. If not you would need a receiver or integrated amplifier (same as receiver without am/fm radio).
Speaker wire and the appropriate interconnect cables for the electronics would also be required.
Sell them they are junk.

Although they are a far cry from the Infinity of old, I wouldn't go so far as to say they are junk. There's far far worse out there and most owners like the speakers. If he pick these up for little, he got a good deal as they are decent starter speakers.
I'd agree, they're good bang for the buck. They're certainly no intermezzo, prelude, or kappa, but for someone starting out they are decent enough. They were still built under the supervision of floyd toole, so they have been through their acoustic paces. Infinity speakers also tend to hold their value fairly well, they won't drop too much in value if you decide to test them out.
You guys are way to young the Infinity one time was under the leadership of Arnie Nudell which than Infinity was a great speaker. Not now!

I'm aware of that, have both Crescendo and Kappa. And in fact, I'm currently saving up for the Genesis 7.2c's. However, that doesn't negate the Alpha's. As I said, far cry from the old, but still decent starting speakers.

If you can really knock infinity after toole began his tenure i'd be surprised. I've never met a person who sat down and heard the Prelude MTS, or Intermezzo, and had a single negative thing to say about them compared to the older series.
The Genesis speakers were one of the best sounding speakers in the world at that time.The Intermezzo were okay.

"Genesis are STILL some of the best speakers in the world." (There, I corrected that sentence for you 😀 )
You are wrong sir the business I reiterated about is gone with the original owners and designers.This company is mediocre with their product lines now.

Ummm....You sure you don't mean Infinity?

Genesis is the company Arnie founded after he left Infinity, and they still very much adhere to Nudell's beliefs and philosophy on speaker design. They still use the EMIT-R tweeter (Which Nudell preferred over the original design), still believe in dipole design, servo bass, the ribbon mid range for there 1 and 2 series all of which were brought over from the IRS V series and improved upon. Koh has taken what Nudell has done and improved it as technology in materials, manufacturing, and design have improved.

Genesis 1.2 is still considered by quite a few to still be the Reference speaker to compare against. The 5, 6 and 7 series still receive tons of praise across reviewers and magazines and win awards at various high end shows. Even more recent products which Nudell didn't have a part in also gets high marks. For example, people are starting to look at class D amps differently in the high end area due to their Reference Amplifier which has blown people away.

If you think Genesis is mediocre, you are sadly misled.
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