Input on a budget VR Rig?

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Pretty nice build, not sure I'd call it budget but maybe I'm just poor. 😛

The power supply is not so good quality (though it's kinda neat it has VR in the product code). Might consider a cheaper and higher quality Corsair CX550M, or the CX650M if you want more room for upgrades.

The hybrid hard drive is pretty pricey for what you get. I'd just pick a regular HDD, and then add a separate SSD if the budget allows. Or you can skip it for now and add it later when you have the money.
Sweet, thanks for the input! VR & Budget don't quite go hand-in-hand, and when the headset costs nearly as much as the computer, it's hard to justify being too stingy.

So you're not a fan of EVGA -- I'd hoped they'd make okay PSUs.. Have had issues with Corsair under-delivering before, but could just be a one-off. Easy enough to switch - thanks for the tip.

Would love to have an SSD, but looking for some benefit of SSD without the cost.. Will consider switching it out for a non-hybrid.

Thanks again :)
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