Insanely low FPS on quadfire 295x2


Feb 26, 2015
CPU: i5 4690k on 4.3GHz
Memory: Gskill 1066 2x4gb (motherboard overclocked it to 1333mhz but i underclocked it just in case)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z97-Soc Force
PSU: Corsair Ax1500i

Im getting insanely low fps on default settings on games like GTA V and Far Cry on 1920x1080p.
Even with a single 295x2, i can't pass 50 fps in default settings.
Already tried disabling on regedit that option that turns GPUs that are not being used, still the same.

Been doing some research (all day actually) but nothing helped me so far.
Fresh installed windows 7 yesterday, the only driver i installed is the lastest one, the one that comes with GTA V improvements.
GTA V detects 16gb of VRAM, but according to the graphic quality that i get, it seems like im using some shitty 128mb video card.

This is deppressing, considering a guy with a 295x2 is able to run it at 100 fps avg.

Any input is appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

Yea, did that but its still kinda the same.
What is interesting is this: during the game, each gpu only reaches 300MHZ @ gpu speed and 150 mhz on memory speed max WTF. Its like its capped to don't go beyond that. The 750ish mhz that you see to the right is registered as soon as i launch the game. During gameplay i don't get more than those speed.
Wtf is going on?

Energy plan is set on high performance.


EDIT: Just took another one, had to resize the window to 1280x720 to take a screencap while playing without having to alt+tab:
Apparently only one gpu goes to 1k mhz, the rest are just there chillin'. Even with that crappy resolution im getting 70 fps, and theres not a lot of things happening (like explosions and stuff).

Yea, i tried that earlier.
Nothing works.
So far, i tried uninstalling the whole catalyst thing, running DDU twice, on safe mode, then reinstalling lastest version of catalyst again and the issue is still there.
Also, i've noticed that the device manager shows "Standard VGA Graphics Adapter" with an exclamation mark. Not sure what that is. I disabled the mobo graphics on BIOS.
Heres how the device manager looks like:

Should i reinstall windows and first thing i do, reinstall the lastest drivers?
I think is the last thing i can try.

Edit: reinstalling windows right now. Will post results later.
What connection method are you using on your monitor VGA for that device Manager error? If so have you tried change little stuff like the VGA cable I was once getting low FPS due to damaged cable. On your current operating system do you have all the Windows updates up to date?

If these don't help it could be a setting in your BIOS with bus speeds to GPU lanes.
What operating system are you running 8.1 worth a re-install

Just reinstalled Windows 7 ultimate 64 bits.
Im using an HDMI cable, connected to the displayport to hdmi that comes with the videocard.
Still getting shitty fps.
I dont know what else i can do.
This fucking thing is pure garbage.

Only one gpu working... shitty fps... i regret buying this piece of crap.
Derp, i didn't know you had to run the game in fullscreen in order to run crossfire.
The fps improved, but im not sure if the all 4 gpus are being used. Im getting similar numbers to the guy of the video i've posted.
Hey guys, im still getting 45 frames at 1080p, im running it fullscreen, defaults settings.
Also im getting some stuttering, and unplayable fps at COD: Ghosts.
Any idea about whats going on?