Installed new CPU now there is no video input

Aug 9, 2018
I have a AMD FX-8350
970A-G43 Plus MOBO (No don't try and say its because this mobo doesn't run the FX-8350 well because its listed that it does and I have a friend with the exact same setup and his runs fine)
2x8GB ddr3 ram
256gb ssd
1tb hd

Before I had a fx-6300 and am currently posting on that setup as I took out the 8350 and am typing this with my old setup. The computer runs perfectly but as soon as a put in my new 8350 and my new wraith cooler the computer turns on, all my fans, my led's, but no video input. I have checked all the pins, made sure there wasnt too much thermal compound, tried a different cpu cooler, I have tried everything I can think of. Any suggestions?

Took a double take at the pins again and they all look good.
The VRM's don't look great for an 8 Core CPU but it should still work. If you have tested everything else to be working perfectly then the problem likely lies in the CPU. Like the above poster says there might be a bent or broken pin that could be crucial to the CPU. Check your pins carefully. Or the CPU could just be DOA. It's rare but it happens still. I can't really think of anything else it could be. The FX 6300 is the same generation as the FX 8350 so a bios issue isn't likely the problem. Good luck. And if your CPU is less than 3 years old and there are no more than 3 bent or broken pins you can get the RMA.

Ill try both of those thank you

oh I can still get the RMA on it? Sweet. Im gonna try a couple other ideas someone gave me and if those dont work Ill go ahead and try the RMA