Installed new fan..turned on PC...ALL MY LIGHTS WENT OUT!


Feb 5, 2012
Oh dear god..

So i installed a Zalman 9500AT on my e6600. It was a tight fit but it made it in. I turned on the PC and long behold it was running HOTTER than before! I ran some games and some diagnostics and wasnt satisifed. I then checked the fan and saw it was fitting loose....that must be the issue. I bring the System over and tighten the screws so it is fitting right. everything looks good so I plug it all in and press the power button and.....LIGHTS OUT!

In fact everything on that circuit in my house is turned off. I had to reset the circuit breaker in order to reset the TV and lights. It happened twice so far and now Im afraid to turn on the computer again....WTF is going on!

UPDATE: tried it a third time...When i pressed the power switch in the back to on it zapped out the lights again and this time was accompioned by a wicked bad smell from the power supply.
Sometimes it's just age or a faulty or tired component in the PSU like a Capacitor. Or you'r pulling too much power through your PSU. At anyrate, time for a new one - make it a beefy one with circuit protection etc. Modular is always good too.