Question Installed new M2 SSD, old one with Windows now missing from Boot options

Jul 3, 2021
I recently installed a new "Samsung 980 Pro M2 SSD" in my "X 570-E Gaming Motherboard", which resulted in my old "Samsung 970 Evo SSD" not being listed in the Boot options anymore.

The only two options that are now being listed are the 980 Pro, and a drive (if I'm not mistaken), I'll have to check on that again.

My system however is installed on the 970 Evo, which means that I now always end up on a black screen with a blinking underscore, unless I "hard reboot" the compter, or unless I pick the boot option manually from the bios.

I would really appreciate some help with this matter.

Best regards
Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

Which BIOS version are you currently on for your motherboard? Can you identify the slot with which you've paired the M.2 SSD's in? We're also going to need to know the processor's model as well as other PCIe devices and SATA devices populating the board, in case you're occupying lanes with said devices.

By installed, did you replace the older SSD? If so, then that's why the former SSD is missing from boot devices in BIOS. If you didn't replace the SSD, then you'll need to get back with the above questions.
Thank you very much!

The bios version is "1407", I can't exactly figure out how to "identify" the slots, the "980 Pro" is on the upper lane of the "X 570-E Gaming" motherboard, whereas the old "970 Evo" is on the lower one.

The processor model is a "Ryzen 9 3900x", there are two PCIe slots currently in use, one being occupied by an "EVGA 3800 FTW Ultra", the other one by a "EVGA NU Audio Pro" soundcard.

Other than that, there is an older Samsung SSD, as well as two Samsung HDDs.

I apologize about the rather lacking answer, I'm doing my best to provide the requested information, but I'm missing the knowledge to do so.