Installed new motherboard, getting No Signal on monitor

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Aug 31, 2014
Hey people, I was having a problem after installing a new PSU and GPU where I would get No Signal on my monitor, and I messed about with it for hours and thought, I'll just try reverting everything back to how it was. But I was still getting the No Signal message on my monitor. So after a few days of seeking help I came to the conclusion my motherboard was busted, went and bought the exact same one (ASUS M5A78L-M/USB3) and installed it this morning. Annnnd I still get the No Signal message even when not connected via HDMI from the Video Card ( EVGA GTX 960) and connecting through the motherboard itself. Please help me, I've been without my computer for too long now.
Okay the RAM isn't seated properly, both clips should snap into position the in cutout's of the RAM.
What Motherboard do you have and what RAM have you got?
It could be that your motherboard is DDR2 and your trying to insert DDR3.
Can also be a cause of Speeds but different speeds wont change the size of the RAM.

First things first, you will have to use either VGA or DVI/DVI-D as HDMI won't be compatible without drivers.
Second you need to connect that VGA/DVI into the graphics card, when a graphics card is installed in a PCI-E slot it automatically disables the input on the motherboard.
If you connect through the Graphics card you should have no problem with signal, if you do check cables / Monitor with a second device.


I don't have the right cables to do so, would it work if I took the Graphics card out and tried VGA to VGA through the motherboard?

Edit: I should also note that I was told to try connecting my keyboard to the pc and press the caps lock button to see if it turned on to show a successful boot. I tried this and the light on the keyboard doesn't turn on, implying there is a problem with the booting process?

Edit2: I found an adapter to allow me to use the DVI on my graphics card into a VGA then into my monitor but I'm still getting no signal, I'm guessing there's another part of the PC that's failing the boot up process?
Hi Calvin, Sorry have been away for awhile.
No display while booting is going to be pointed in 2 directions, Is your PC booting? or is it shutting of after 5-10 seconds etc?
No display while booting is going to be your RAM, take out 1 stick and boot on 1. Alternate them if still no display
If your machine is booting then shutting off, take the heatsink off your CPU and make sure it is seated correctly, make sure that the CPU is in the socket correctly aswell.

Try these out and let me know.

The PC stays powered on until I turn it off, so I'm good to assume it's a boot problem? I've only got one 8GB stick of RAM in my PC so I can't alternate trying them. I've just ordered a new 8GB stick off amazon with one day delivery so I'll try installing that tomorrow. Let me know ASAP if it's not the RAM that I need and I've misunderstood:)

Thanks, Jason!
This isn't a boot problem its a display problem, If the PC is booting up and your having to force reset it then I'm point it at the RAM, It's a shame you dont have another stick to try before you buy but the only other option it can be is a bad DIMM slot on your motherboard so try putting the ram into DIMM slot 2 etc and see if you have any luck,
If not i'm gunna say its a bad stick

Is it true that you can tell whether the PC is booted by pressing the CAPS LOCK key on my keyboard to see if it lights up? Because I tried that and the light won't turn on. Tried the RAM in another slot and no luck. One thing that I have noticed is that the stick won't fully push into the slot, like it feels like if I carry on pushing, it's at the point where it's gonna snap or break the slot. And the clips on the top and bottom to hold it into the slot don't close properly.
Okay the RAM isn't seated properly, both clips should snap into position the in cutout's of the RAM.
What Motherboard do you have and what RAM have you got?
It could be that your motherboard is DDR2 and your trying to insert DDR3.
Can also be a cause of Speeds but different speeds wont change the size of the RAM.

The ram and mobo fit fine, are you sure youre pushing hard enough? make sure the bottom is lined up properly as its not symmetrical and give it a good push (Check inside the ram slot beforehand with a light to make sure nothing is blocking it, eg lots of dust)
Ok I've finally got the RAM fully in (feel like a total idiot btw) but I'm getting a message on my monitor saying (PLEASE POWER DOWN AND CONNECT THE PCIe POWER CABLE(S) FOR THIS GRAPHICS CARD) I believe the power cable is connected, it's fully into the 8Pin cable is in (which is an adapter with one 6pin on the other end with PCI-E written on it. The adapter has room for another 6pin, do I need to connect that? I don't see another 6pin cable
Ok yeah that's done it thanks, quick question, I still have my old video card (AMD Raedeon 7700) should that still work? It was until I put the new GTX 960 in but tried it just now and got No Signal on my monitor, connected via 6pin
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