So basically I'm upgrading to a 250 gig 850 EVO, and I'm currently using a 760GB WD black. I'd like to be able to keep everyhting on this current drive, without having to back everything up and format. Is it possible to do that? This drive has three partitions on it, once for music, one for anime, and one for general backups. I'd rather not have to format, so I was wondering if after I get the SSD set up and running, then plug this drive back in, if I can still grab the data on it without any issues. I'm worried that the drive letters will mess something up, or the Windows 7 install on the black drive will cause issues.
Sorry in advance if this topic is a beaten horse, I've never had to do something like this before, and no matter what I read it still worries me.
Sorry in advance if this topic is a beaten horse, I've never had to do something like this before, and no matter what I read it still worries me.