[SOLVED] Installing the Windows Store


Mar 20, 2013
I ran a couple of Powershell commands when implementing some new systems. The desired effect was to remove all windows apps from the OS because we only use 3rd party software. It seemed like removing all non necesary apps would clean up the start menu and make Windows 10 more usable for our less tech savy users. Now I can't even add the store back if I wanted to. I will include the two commands I used in PowerShell below.

- Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | Remove-AppxPackage

- Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -online | Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage –online
You don't have to remove apps to make Start Menu "easy to use", you can leave just the tiles your users would like to use, and instruct them to ignore the left part of the Start Menu. OTOH - if you use 3rd party apps only, why you'd need Store app?

As for the PowerShell script - ask for more help at the place you've downloaded it.