[SOLVED] Intel 10th Genaration (10 Cores/20 Threads)

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Apr 10, 2012

Should wait for upgrade to Intel 10th Generation to come out for further improvement in game performance?

Should wait for upgrade to Intel 10th Generation to come out for further improvement in game performance?
They show 5.2 max clock on a single core,which is the same max clock you get now so gaming will not improve because core count of the 9900k is already way above any game's demands and the architecture will be the same.
On the other hand you will get more cores for the same moneys or the same amount of cores for less so waiting would be beneficial ... if this is true and will happen somewhat soonish.
Did you say that right?
A PSU's fan is intake. It exhausts out the grille at the back. You either orient it fan down and it sucks crap off the floor or you have it fan up and use the PSU how it used to be - as an exhaust for system air.

Recommend the latter. Filtered air from the front with positive pressure, exhaust out the rear. Tape up the bottom and all the little holes. I even tape up the PCI slot cover holes. Air only out rear fan, GPU vent and PSU. Ive got enough positive pressure that the PSU fan never comes on. (Ideally, have 3x a12x25s at front). The positive pressure is always actively cooling the PSU & GPU. Almost blows a lighter out.

The fan bottom down thing is just some fad that caught on like RGB.
Vents on top of cases are dust collectors.

OP pony up and get a fractal R6. I havent used the meshify but as a guess id say its better than the NZXTs. Whenever i was doing a build with one id have to bend/push the back in to fit the mobo properly. And, always, always a threaded screw in the bag.
Technology always improves. Wait if you can. Buy if you need.

I don't think anything about that chart is accurate.
So basically we get an 8700k refreshed as an i5, the 9900k as an i7, and a new 10 core chip. Pretty much what 9th gen should've been. I won't hold my breath that it's true, but interesting nonetheless. How many + can they add to the 14nm?


*cooler not included. Supply your own ice bucket.
damn i just bought a 9400f, that 6c/12t i5 is sweet for mid range.
These are alleged speculation and expect many hardware articles to follow along or even international re-seller to do the same for placeholders. However, upon announcements it will usually be true as usual.

Should wait for upgrade to Intel 10th Generation to come out for further improvement in game performance?
They show 5.2 max clock on a single core,which is the same max clock you get now so gaming will not improve because core count of the 9900k is already way above any game's demands and the architecture will be the same.
On the other hand you will get more cores for the same moneys or the same amount of cores for less so waiting would be beneficial ... if this is true and will happen somewhat soonish.
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I'd ignore that if I were you.
It's still 14nm ++++++++++++++++++++... = another marginal gain from them. It's like AMD slapped 'em so hard, a la Ryzen 3000, that they didn't even recognize their loss.
It's an overclock of an overclock of an overclock(sky lake > kaby lake > coffee lake > comet lake).
I mean, look again at those TDPs! There's no bloody way those are accurate, sure as hell for the K and F SKUs.
Pricing for the 10 cores blows - Ryzen 3900x says "Hi!"
I like Intel and all, but MAN this crapfest is making me angry! Get over sky lake, and they'll actually make cpus worth a 4444 for people to upgrade to!
These are alleged speculation and expect many hardware articles to follow along or even international re-seller to do the same for placeholders. However, upon announcements it will usually be true as usual.

A fully fabricated speculative slide, that is being claimed to be "true as usual" which it never is. Did you not learn last time I closed one of your threads?

Closing this one. Again I'm not letting you start fanboy flame wars on this site, yet again.
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